Jaandrée Borelius
JAANDRÉE (she/her) is a passionate being having dance as her preferred way of flowing in the world. She’s a sexological bodyworker & tantra therapist, with a background as a social worker & organisation development. Her aim is to support people in fully letting go, meeting one self in a safe space, held in love & vulnerability, supporting people to come back into love, being mesmerized & relating authentically. Jaandrée facilitates spaces for the curious to meet & grow in playful, supportive togetherness. Passionate to use all senses to come closer to one self, to really feel. She uses her full presence, touch, breath, sound & movement as tools for healing & awakening. Today She’s sharing her magic on regular basis in Sweden as her base & around the world as her playground.
1. ENERGETIC SOVEREIGNTY - Have you ever been part of an event, been amongst people or had an encounter with someone feeling totally depleted or not as yourself after? Then this is the workshop for you! Wether you're a facilitator, a session giver, a volunteer or participant, one needs to understand how to be in spaces with others, without taking all of them or the other in. In this workshop we practice how to tune into each others energy fields so we can be with each other, without loosing our selves We learn how to enter and exit energetically in a clean, clear and conscious way. And how to follow our own and our partners energy with our body. We start mastering our own energy, building the foundation to safely play and be with others. Keywords: energy work, connection, sensesmeditation, no nudity.
2. BONDING THROUGH RITUALS: SPIRITUAL & PHILOSOPHICAL PILLARS OF BDSM - What If we could seek to harmonize different traditions through the ritualistic space BDSM can hold. Come and explore the space in between, in how to use rituals & distance as a framework or a space to explore from. We will guide you through the 7 chakras in how to surrender different parts of your self. Mentally, Physically, emotionally, sexually, logically, spiritually & in devotion. Join for a playful & sensual exploration of energies & what rises inbetween you & your partner. Key words: working with power dynamics, nudity not necessary, undies stay on, no partner needed.
3. TEMPLE NIGHT - Together with Robin and Jason, Jaandrée will offer the last day of the festival a temple night.
4. ENERGETIC INTEGRATION - In this workshop we will practice to feel our own energy, learn how to be with it, how to open and "close" it and how to sense into others energetic fields. All of them tools for integration that will support you in the world after te festival! Keywords: working wiht energy, no physical touch, resensitizing, breathwork, meditation.
Jaandrée is an experienced bodyworker combining techniques from different massage teachings, tantra, de-armouring and shibari. A session with her allows you to surrender in to a safe and lovingly held space in presence, with an invitation to dive deeper into your self through touch, sound and breath, al through a supportive and explorative, nurturing touch. . You can choose different sessions:
Shamanic Dearmouring: releasing stagnated energy in your emotional, mental and physical body through touch and energy work.
Tantric Bodywork: here you can have optional yoni/lingam healing or bodywork session that allows you to de-stress, awaken your own Kundalini energy and spread it out through your body. This can include all from energy work, to deep tissue massage, ropes and other, due to your needs.
Intuitive Sensual Shibari: surrender to the ropes, be held, become a piece of art, let go, open up and expand.