Chris van der Weide
CHRIS (she/her) originally studied both her BA and her MA degree in performative arts (theatre & dance), only to discover that her way of expression wasn't through being on stage, but rather through life itself. She quitted her various jobs in teaching and performing theater to pursue a journey within, and she ended up falling in love with the path of tantra. Throughout many years of travel and self-discovery she was trained by various teachers in the tantric and spiritual domain. Her work distinguishes itself with strong influence of western-psychology and bodywork. Her extended education, self-study and experience have joined together in her offerings. About the path of tantra she says: 'This path transformed my outlook on life, every step makes my reality tremble in a way that's both ravishing and deliciously liberating'.
1. YES OR NO? - Do you recognise this? You're being touched by someone but you're not really enjoying the way they touch you? Meanwhile the other person is trying to please you, but you decide not to speak up as not to hurt their feelings... This is a lose/lose situation. The ABC of true connection is the capacity to feel express your honest 'yes' and 'no', wholeheartedly. Can you stay in connection with yourself whilst meeting someone else? Seemingly simple yet in reality a very profound art to learn, refine, f*ck up and try again. Most welcome! Keywords: Touch, consent, desire, no nudity.
2. TRUST & SURRENDER - During this workshop we work with trust and surrender. What are you holding yourself back? Where do you say 'no' to life, where do you say 'yes'? How do you dance with life and how does life dance with you? In this workshop you will be brought to high heights and deep depths in a playful way. Bring: Pen, paper and drinking water. And we're going to move a lot, so wear clothes that you can sweat in! Keywords: Movement, freedom, no nudity.
3. PARTNER RITUAL - In this ritual we explore the boundary between personal and universal energy. We build up with different exercises to increase intimacy and security and in the second half we do a partner ritual from the tantric tradition. Come for this workshop with a (occasional) partner or find someone at the door. Keywords: Energy work, tantric relating, nudity optional (certainly not necessary.)