Tuï (she/her) embarked on her first tantric journey in 2015. Not knowing what to expect, just feeling a curiosity and deep desire to learn more about tantra. She was blown away by the power of being fully present and connected with herself. It opened the gateway to connect with others and her surroundings on so many more levels than the happy-go-lucky mask she so often used to hide behind.
Although it scares the hell out of her sometimes, Tuï is infinitely drawn to explore what's beneath the surface, committed to grow in sincerity and awareness. Her intention is to open up, and open up some more, even when it's foggy, scary or painful. She believes that learning to open up herself contributes to more openness in general.

Tuï will assist Mark & Anna in the daily practical management of the festival.


Kaline is a somatic sexology bodyworker, shamanic breathwork coach & plant medicine woman, specialised in trauma release & restoring the body's nervous system. Creator of the Sanctuary of Magic, organising sacred ceremonies, combining somatic bodywork exercises & shamanic rituals. She takes women on a journey into the depts of their inner wisdom to unlock their magical powers & soul purpose.

In this festival Kaline will also offer a workshop together with Marjolein during the evening of the Tuesday for all the volunteers and early arrivals.
Kaline’s Instagram


During many years of travel Marjolein studied the ancient traditions and was trained by numerous spiritual teachers in India and other parts of the world. She is a certified kundalini yoga teacher and Ayurvedic & Thai massage therapist. In her workshops she uses active meditation, breathwork and touch to guide you into opening your senses, connecting to your intuition and moving your kundalini energy.

In this festival Marjolein also offer a workshop together with Kaline during the evening of the Tuesday for all the volunteers and early arrivals.


Hi! I'm MAX, and you'll mainly find me behind the pans assisting Paul. The kitchen is my biotope, and I'm looking forward to welcoming you there and cooking for you!